Whitefish Chain Lake Conditions

A summary of the conditions on the Whitefish Chain of Lakes in Crosslake, MN.

Ice Out (Whitefish)Actual: April 7, 2024
Water Temperature73 F (Lower Whitefish) | updated 01/01/2025 10:58
Current Lake Elevation1228.18 feet above sea level (Pine River Dam in Crosslake)
Last UpdatecurlGET failed, http-code: 500
The lake is currently9.8 inches below the summer target
Current Inflow103 cfs
Current Outflow223 cfs

Current and historical elevations at the Pine River dam in Crosslake: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/csg/site.html?id=18031200

Pine River Dam which controls water elevation at the Whitefish Chain of Lakes

The Whitefish Chain of Lakes is a reservoir and the water level is controlled by the Pine River Dam in Crosslake, MN. The Pine River Dam is currently managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers and began operation in 1886 to provide flood control in the Upper Mississippi River Headwaters Region. The Pine River flows into the Mississippi River approximately 9 miles south of Crosslake. Reservoirs have advantages over natural lakes in terms of water level consistency. During a normal boating season, water levels fluctuate only 1-2 inches on the Whitefish Chain. The fluctuation can be greater during very wet or very dry years. Water levels are typically reduced 18-24 inches in the winter to accommodate snow melt and spring rains. Lower water levels during the spring melt also minimize shoreline and property damage caused by ice sheets that can be blown ashore. In most years, the summer target water elevation of 1229.32 feet is achieved in April or May and maintained through October. Whitefish Chain conditions are highly dependent on the Pine River Dam.

whitefish chain of lakes pine river watershed
Pine River Watershed

Whitefish Chain Reservoir fun facts:

Water surface area13,700 acres
Drainage area562 square miles
Normal reservoir storage101,340 acre-ft = 33,026,706,000 gallons ~ 33 trillion gallons
Max reservoir storage187,700 acre-ft = 61,171,430,000 gallons ~ 61 trillion gallons
Max discharge16,300 cfs | Current discharge: curlGET failed, http-code: 500 cfs

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